Day 25
Day 25 of #Recovery: #ChallengeYourself. Today has been a little bit of a challenge for me. I try to keep myself reminded that #God wont...
Day 25
Day 25 of #Recovery: #ChallengeYourself. Today has been a little bit of a challenge for me. I try to keep myself reminded that #God wont...
Day 22
Day 22 of #Recovery: #HappyBirthday #ReddFoxx. Today is the birthday of a legend. He has made all of us laugh. His comedy was so country,...
Day 22
Day 22 of #Recovery: #HappyBirthday #ReddFoxx. Today is the birthday of a legend. He has made all of us laugh. His comedy was so country,...
Day 20
Day 20 of #Recovery: #UnHappyHolidays… these days haven’t been too happy. This is the first holiday season that I’ll spend without...
Day 20
Day 20 of #Recovery: #UnHappyHolidays… these days haven’t been too happy. This is the first holiday season that I’ll spend without...
DAY 12
Day 12 of #Recovery: TRY TO #CARE. We live in a very #careless world, which is the number one cause of all negative things that surround...
DAY 12
Day 12 of #Recovery: TRY TO #CARE. We live in a very #careless world, which is the number one cause of all negative things that surround...
DAY 11
Day 11 of #Recovery: #MyFather, Winston David Butterfield was the best man ever invented. He passed on July 1st, 2014... He's now my...
DAY 10
Day 10 of #Recovery: #HappyThanksgiving!!! I'll leave out the stories of #Squanto, slaves, lynching, etc. And focus on the important...