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DAY 11

Day 11 of #Recovery: #MyFather, Winston David Butterfield was the best man ever invented. He passed on July 1st, 2014... He's now my #GuardianAngel, I feel him everyday. His spirit was with me during my surgery, just to keep and eye on everything and make sure they did everything right. He takes every step and every turn with me. For him, I will be more than ALL I can be, I will be #Magnificent! Daddy, I love you sooo much!!! I wear your necklace everyday, I keep you with me 24/7. You have always been my #Hero, I'm happy that it was you and mom who raised me, Y'all did the most perfect job. #iMissYou #iLoveYou #MyTeacher #MyHero #MyDaddy #Dad #Father

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